. . . Each one of us is . . .
Precious In His Sight    (Sheet Music)
Copyright © 2002, 2019 Stan Rogalski - All rights reserved.

Verse 1.
You may not think you're much, but you are wrong.
Just close your eyes and feel your origin;
And soon you will understand by the dawn of Heaven's light,
That you are precious in His sight.

Yes, you are precious in His sight;
For you were born with Heaven's light in your eyes;
And you must find out who you are;
And what your life is all about;
For you are precious in His sight.

Verse 2.
When you came to earth, you passed through a veil,
Forgot about your life before, and learned to live by faith;
And faith is a special gift from God above to you,
And when you cannot see, your faith will see you through.

For you are precious in His sight;
And you were born with Heaven's light in your eyes;
And you must find out who you are;
And what your life is all about;
For you are precious in His sight.

Verse 3.
Some day, not far away, His messengers will come,
And knowledge of your life before will be restored;
And then you will understand by the dawn of Heaven's light,
That you are precious in His sight.

Yes, you are precious in His sight;
And you were born with Heaven's light in your eyes;
And you must find out who you are;
And what your life is all about;
For you are precious in His sight.

Precious In His Sight    (Lyrics & Chords)
Copyright © 2002, 2019 Stan Rogalski - All rights reserved.

Verse 1.
You may not think you're much, but you are wrong.
Just close your eyes and feel your ori-gin;
And soon you will under-stand by the dawn of Heaven's light,
That you are Precious in His Sight.

Yes, you are Precious in His Sight;
And you were born with Heaven's light in your eyes;
And you must find out who you are;
And what your life is all a-bout;
For you are Precious in His Sight.

Verse 2.
When you came to earth, you passed through a veil,
Forgot about your life before, and learned to live by faith;
And faith is a special gift from God a-bove to you,
And when you cannot see, your faith will guide you through.


Verse 3.
Some day, not far away, His messen-gers will come,
And knowledge of your life before will be re-stored;
And then you will understand by the dawn of Heaven's light,
That you are Precious in His Sight.

Yes, You are Precious in His Sight;
And you were born with Heaven's light in your eyes;
And you must find out who you are;
And what your life is all a-bout;
For you are Precious in His Sight.
Yes, you are Precious in His Sight.

Copyright © 2002, 2019 by Stan Rogalski - All rights reserved.